Caroline Eaton


+44 (0)7941 005 803


Caroline is an experienced local government solicitor who began her legal career as a reader to a blind barrister, qualifying firstly as a legal executive in 1989 and then as a solicitor in 1992.

Her most recent role, before joining Acuity as a public law consultant in November 2018, was as Head of Governance and Monitoring Officer at the London Borough of Hounslow.

Caroline has an extensive knowledge and experience of local government and is well versed in advising senior officers and councillors on a wide range of complex and/or politically sensitive matters and ensuring lawful democratic decision making. She has also provided advice and representation to schools and a housing ALMO.

  • Governance, democracy and compliance
  • Monitoring officer function and code of conduct
  • Public sector policy, equality duty, consultation
  • Public service transformation
  • Complaints, maladministration and local government ombudsman
  • Licensing and gambling, health and safety, housing, prosecutions, employment and information governance
  • Training of councillors and officers
  • Acting as lead lawyer on a project for shared legal service, directing a team, identifying and overseeing all aspects of the transfer of staff and data management and negotiating and agreeing terms of transfer
  • Drafting revisions to a council's management agreement with a housing ALMO, advising on and implementing the legal and practical steps required to bring it back in house and drafting key documentation
  • Advising on the governance aspects of a council wholly owned trading company and the direct transfer of services into it
  • Dealing with malicious communications and advising on vexatious complainants and harassment
  • Revision of corporate complaints procedure
  • Advising on the transfer of highways functions to a PFI provider and the scope and lawfulness of council delegations to it and its staff
  • Conducting a review of councillors as members of various outside bodies and advising on liability when representing
  • Advising on lawfulness of proposed changes to sheltered housing schemes, consultation requirements and steps needed to comply with public sector equality duty