As a signatory to the Law Society’s Diversity and Inclusion Charter, we respect and value difference. We strive to create an inclusive environment where everyone can realise their career potential. This commitment enables us to understand the needs of our clients in diverse markets, engage with the communities in which we operate and leverage the diverse perspectives of our people.


Acuity Law by Gender

Female Woman

Male Man

Male Other preferred description

Prefer not to say Prefer not to say


Age Group

Acuity Law by Age

Age 16-24 16-24

Age 25-34 25-34

Age 35-44 35-44

Age45-54 45-54

Age 25-34 55-64

Age 65+ 65+

Age 25-34 Prefer not to say



Acuity Law by Ethnicity

British White

Other Black, Asian & other non-white minority ethnic backgrounds

Mixed Ethnic Prefer not to say