Our team

In these uncertain times, public bodies are facing acute pressures to maintain and improve the quality of public services against the backdrop of austerity measures, saving money and balancing budgets.

In an age of rising expectations and diminishing resources, the focus is on transforming public services by innovating, generating income and creating prosperous communities. At the same time, public bodies must still meet their statutory duties and demands for more accountability and transparency.

Our team of public law specialists, most of whom have worked in-house, can help you address these challenges and ensure that reforms are robust enough to manage risk and survive public scrutiny.

From procuring different ways of delivering services to best practice strategies for decision-making and procedural compliance, we work closely with public bodies across England and Wales.

With our public law expertise, we are a supplier on several public sector frameworks, including Crown Commercial Service, Orbis Public Law and National Procurement Service for Wales.

Crown Commercial Service

Caroline Eaton


+44 (0)7941 005 803      caroline.eaton@acuitylaw.com


  • Undertaking a governance and procurement review for Carmarthenshire County Council of the compliance and lawfulness of its procurement process to appoint a development partner for its proposed wellness and life science village
  • Advising City of Wolverhampton Council on a range of public law matters, including its role as lead authority in the creation of the West Midlands Combined Authority
  • Advising University of Wales Trinity Saint David on its SA1 waterfront development project including procurement, state aid, vires and charity law issues
  • Advising West Sussex County Council on procurement, freedom of information, vires and variation issues for a major municipal waste treatment and disposal contract and on the procurement of a substantial offshoot contract
  • Advising Bridgend County Borough Council on state aid and procurement issues arising from the appointment of a provider for the provision of services of general economic interest
  • Producing an options appraisal, including the consideration of public law issues, for Cardiff Council's district heat network project