Our team

Commercial relationships must be carefully considered, clearly documented and properly managed to be effective.

Properly drafted contracts are at the heart of every successful business. Whether it's with suppliers, customers or agents, watertight agreements are the best way to protect your business interests and manage risks.

From negotiating joint ventures and strategic alliances to outsourcings and major contracts, we can handle the commercial arrangements for running any aspect of your operations.

By identifying the key commercial issues and the right strategic approach, we ensure that you are contracting with the other party on the best terms possible.

Erica Westerman



+44 (0)7572 249280    erica.westerman@acuitylaw.com


  • Advising Creditsafe Group on an alliance agreement for developing new services for its customers
  • Supporting ScanSource on contractual matters arising from the restructuring of its UK business
  • Advising Ice Arena Wales on the operation of its ice sports arena and the naming rights for the arena
  • Advising Aqualisa on various contracts for its operations, including warehousing and stock management arrangements
  • Advising Portman Healthcare on its payroll services contract
  • Drafting and negotiating an agreement to appoint a restaurant operator at a property leased by a company in which it has invested